Hotel History


Hotel History

The movie "Holiday Inn" is a classic film that features a charming and historic hotel located in the Russian River area of California. The hotel, known as the Boho Manor, played a significant role in the movie's storyline, and its rich history has made it a beloved destination for travelers from around the world.

The Boho Manor was built in the early 1900s and was originally a private residence. Over the years, it was transformed into a hotel and became a popular destination for Hollywood celebrities. In 1942, the hotel was chosen as the primary filming location for "Holiday Inn," a musical comedy that starred Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, and Marjorie Reynolds.

The movie was a huge success, and it helped to cement the Boho Manor's place in American pop culture history. The hotel's unique architecture and charming ambiance made it the perfect setting for the film, and its appearance in the movie helped to popularize the hotel and the Russian River area as a tourist destination.

Over the years, the Boho Manor has undergone numerous renovations and updates, but it has managed to maintain its historic charm and character. Today, the hotel is a popular destination for travelers who are looking for a unique and memorable experience.

Visitors to the Boho Manor can still see many of the same features that were featured in the movie, including the hotel's beautiful gardens, vintage decor, and stunning architecture. The hotel also offers a range of activities and amenities, including wine tastings, hiking and biking trails, and spa services.

Overall, the Boho Manor and its connection to the classic movie "Holiday Inn" is a testament to the enduring appeal of this charming and historic hotel. Whether you are a fan of the movie or simply looking for a unique and memorable vacation experience, a visit to the Boho Manor is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Boho Manor, previously known as the Village Inn, is a charming and historic hotel located in the Russian River area of California. The hotel has a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s when it was originally built as a private residence for the Ludwig family.

The Ludwig family was a prominent family in the Russian River area, and their estate was known for its stunning gardens and beautiful architecture. The family's home was eventually transformed into a hotel and became known as the Village Inn.

Over the years, the hotel underwent numerous renovations and updates, but it managed to maintain its historic charm and character. The hotel's unique architecture and charming ambiance made it a popular destination for travelers from around the world.

One of the hotel's most interesting historical connections is its proximity to the Bohemian Grove, a private club for artists, writers, and musicians. The Bohemian Grove was founded in the late 1800s, and the Ludwig family was among its early members.

The hotel's connection to the Bohemian Grove and its prominent members helped to establish the Village Inn as a popular destination for artists, writers, and musicians. Over the years, the hotel became known as a place where creative minds could retreat and find inspiration.

In the 1940s, the hotel was chosen as the primary filming location for the classic movie "Holiday Inn," starring Bing Crosby. The film's success helped to popularize the hotel and the Russian River area as a tourist destination, and it helped to cement the hotel's place in American pop culture history.

Today, the Boho Manor continues to attract visitors from around the world who are looking for a unique and memorable vacation experience. The hotel's rich history and connection to the Bohemian Grove continue to make it a popular destination for artists, writers, and musicians.

Whether you are a fan of history, art, or simply looking for a relaxing and inspiring vacation, a visit to the Boho Manor is sure to be an unforgettable experience.